Why I’m Anti Anti-Aging

312 Beauty

This month, I turn 33. And once I do, I’m sure it will take me six months to remember. Does anyone else pause for an awkward amount of time when someone asks you how old you are? And, who are these people asking that question anyway? Regardless, assuming I can remember, I’m completely OK with telling you. I’m a realist. The reality is that we are aging. Oh, the ‘a’ word. What comes with that, in the context of beauty, is anti-aging marketing everywhere you go. Erase those fine lines! Fight wrinkles before they ruin your life. Battle dark circles you tired-looking old person. Quick, cover up those dark spots. Oh, for the love of drama.

Every birthday brings way more than just a number I can’t remember. We’re wiser, more insightful and more connected with who we are. How can anyone be “anti” that?

I’m all for preserving a youthful glow and SPF is my ride or die, but I’m fully supportive of adding years if it means I’m happier at soon-to-be 33 than I ever was at 26. Whether I like it or not, that line forming in my forehead is because I smile so damn much. The joy I feel in my heart and the passion I have for experiencing life far surpasses any anxiety I might have over wrinkles. Bring it, 33.

There’s more on this topic over at Clementine Daily! Check out my recs for anti anti-aging skincare that is nature-powered and pro being awesome at any age.

6 thoughts on “Why I’m Anti Anti-Aging

  1. Maggie

    I’ll be 33 next month! Also, this is one of the reasons I don’t dye my hair. The main reason I don’t is because I was blessed with natural red hair. However, the white hairs have been popping up for the past few years. I know eventually there will be too many and I’ll have to stop plucking them out, and just embrace them. But … I earned those white hairs. They are a sign that I lived. Why would I want to cover that up?
    Maggie recently posted…Divvy Bikes Turns Two! [Giveaway]My Profile

  2. kristen @ glambunctious

    Such a great POV, Laurie! I just turned 35 in May and I’ll admit, it was kind of hard for me. I normally don’t give a fruit about numbers, but that one bugged me a little. My friend, who’s the same age, pointed out that we’re “looking good for being halfway to 70”! That cracked me up and scared the bejesus out of me at the same time, lol! But that did give me perspective. It’s going to be another entire lifetime before I hit 70 so I best make these years count.
    Happy early birthday, my beautiful friend!
    kristen @ glambunctious recently posted…Loves & Lemons | June 2015My Profile

  3. Ericka Clouther

    Happy birthday, Laurie! You’re absolutely right! Aging is a gift. You have the same birthday as my much loved dad, whom I lost almost 5 years ago. What we would have given to have him age more! I always proudly announce my birthday and my age because hope to be a beautiful gray grandma one day.

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