8 Beauty Up and Comers

beauty up and comers

Fearlessness is a trait I admire so much. People who just go for it and take risks without knowing all of the answers. Being around people like this are good for my soul and being. The planner and the (over)thinker in me gets caught in my own head way too much. Because I just want to know how it’s all going to unfold. Nah, actually, it’s even worse. I want to plan how it’s all going to go down. I’m working on it, guys. When the lovelies at Clementine Daily asked me to cover up and comers in the beauty world, I honed in right away on a group of fearless women who are innovating and creating. They all have a story, a strong POV and passion that is 100% their own. Bow down, bitches. I know I do. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting a handful of these women, some I call friends and all I respect. Head on over to Clementine to find out more about these fearless women and the beauty they are bringing into this world!

4 thoughts on “8 Beauty Up and Comers

  1. Demi

    Love every single one of those brands, Osmia coffee mint soap is tdf …La Bella Figura skincare didn’t work too well on my skin but their hair elixir is A+


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