Perfect Hair You Say?

Living Proof Nightcap Protector

I teased recently on Instagram about a game-changing hair serum from Living Proof. You know, the Jennifer Anniston-backed hair line brought to you by MIT scientists? It’s called Perfect Hair Day (they got the official ® up in there, too) Night Cap Protector. They lured me with ‘perfect’ and now I’m 100% on board with everything in this bottle. Because these guys are scientists, there’s some of that going on. It’s not your ordinary silicone-laced serum. Nope. There’s a patented molecule and amino acid blend that seals the hair cuticle, making strands shiny and strong for days. Supposedly, one use provides up to five shampoos worth of great hair but I can’t resist using this just about every day. And I break rules, I guess, because I use it in the morning to revive yesterday’s hair. OK, and I like it so much that I also use one pump at night on damp hair and then let the my hair air dry. There have been many great hair days lately but I won’t jinx it by using the ‘p’ word.

It’s been three months since Ray Civello gave me the bob of all bobs. The chop was momentous for a few reasons. One, it was RAY CIVELLO. Total boss. I also sat in his chair in the days following one of the biggest whirlwinds in life I’ve experienced. The closing of a really big chapter. I let myself be open to whatever magic he wanted to work with his shears. Naturally, a haircut symbolizes new beginnings. Though, I’ve long since abandoned the notion of hair attachment. It always grows back. You can only hope that you do along the way as well.

And, when you find a miracle product that helps you transition from sassy bob to fierce lob without the awkward phase, keep it close.

7 thoughts on “Perfect Hair You Say?

  1. ame

    I picked this stuff up too, being a rabid fan of PRIME. I am mixed on it, but it’s interesting. I am a nighttime bather so it’s something that I feel is not useful to me yet.

  2. Sarah

    Lori, you are such a babe!! I’m loving the sounds of this stuff, I just might have to try it out! (and maybe get a freshly cut lob! 🙂
    Sarah recently posted…TeasingMy Profile


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