How to Wear a Vampy Lip in the Summer


Like clockwork, the vamped-up plum pout reappears every fall. It’s like the falling temps signal that it’s OK to go dark again. It’s a look I associate with that season, which is why I wanted to wear it instead in the smack dab of summer. What makes this look so powerful (and feel so comforting) in October and November has the opposite effect in the heat.  The bright sun and exposed limbs somehow lend a more vibrant look to one that is usually dark and broody.

Becca-Ultimate-Matte Lip-Antoinette

Wearing BECCA Antoinette

If trying this out during peak sweat season just doesn’t feel right, follow these steps. I promise you, it will be way more interesting than you think!

Go matte. As counterintuitive as it may seem, the more matte your lipstick, the more seasonally appropriate it actually is. I find I don’t need any help with the glow or dew in the summer, and a glossy vamp lip can feel a little one dimensional. I’m loving the BECCA Ultimate Matte Lip Colour in Antoinette. It’s ultra matte but somehow hydrating, too.

Shimmer on the lids. A statement lip can carry itself, but to soften the look even more, I’ve been wearing a shimmery bronze on the eyelids. Nothing smoky or extreme, just a soft wash of color that balances out the matte texture on the lips.

Bronze away. I skip blush altogether a lot in the summer but especially when I’m wearing a dark lip. It feels more natural to be bronzed to all get out this time of year and definitely isn’t the way I’d wear this in chilly weather.

Go berry vs. brown. I think the undertone of the lipstick increases the wearabiility. Opt for something with more berry or red undertones versus brown or black. If it’s too dark, it may wash you out or make the look dated.

6 thoughts on “How to Wear a Vampy Lip in the Summer

  1. Suzanne LeRoux

    I would have never tried this but Laurie, you make it look beautiful! The color actually looks vibrant with your blue top. My favorite summer dress is a similar print and color- I am going to give this a try
    Suzanne LeRoux recently posted…Vote Chia!My Profile

    1. Laurie, 312 Beauty Post author

      Thanks, Suzanne! Something about the whole summer vibe totally tones down the dark. The lip I’m wearing is nearly burgundy in the tube but takes on a nice berry. Good luck getting your vamp on:)


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