3 + 1 + 2 = the SIX

Toronto Queen West

It’s official: 312 Beauty is heading to the land of poutine, maple syrup and Drake. I’m trading in the Sears Tower for the CN. Lake Michigan for Ontario. Running through the six with my woes. Temporarily, it’s cool. For the next three months, I’ll be spending most of my time in Toronto. I’m taking on an incredible opportunity at work that requires me to be in person working alongside my Canadian colleagues. It’s a bit of a *pinch me* situation that is also bringing some wild emotions.

For those of you who have stuck with me for a while know that this year has been quite the ride. At the start of the year, I was yearning for stability. Taking my fresh start and riding a reserve of strength that I’d built up when my world was changing. I did some solo traveling, connected with all of those thoughts in my head during the dark days of winter and eventually jumped into any experience and adventure that I damn well pleased. I retreated away from the computer and Netflix in favor of living. It felt good. It felt amazing. It still feels amazing. I find myself happier than I ever realized I could be. So, now, to disrupt this life I’ve built for myself is slightly scary. I know I’m going to be challenged at work and I’m up for that. Time to crush it, clearly. It’s more the emotional strain. Being away from my dog (don’t worry, she FaceTimes me every night) and the people closest to me.

A few weeks ago, as I turned 33, someone very special gave me a poem by Emily Dickinson. It was fitting – 33, Simplicity.  I read it every day. A few of the lines that stand out, “How happy is the little stone that rambles in the road alone… a passing universe put on; and independent as the sun, associates or glows alone, fulfilling absolute decree in casual simplicity.”

The poem in its entirety resonates so strongly with me at this exact moment. It’s my time to shine on my own in a new place where none of my comforts surround me. I will be fulfilled. I will thrive. I will find my purpose. This I know. Chicago is waiting for me but in the meantime, I can’t wait to show you all Toronto and bring a little of that 312 Beauty flair to the six.

8 thoughts on “3 + 1 + 2 = the SIX

  1. Angie

    I’m so happy for you!! This is an amazing opportunity that you’re going to kick ass at! Are you there now?? You’re going to do amazing things out there, and I hope we’ll get to hear about it! 🙂


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