Two Steps to Radiant Skin


Some things are just too good to keep to yourself. Which is how I first stumbled across this crazy good skin combo. And now I’m paying it forward! We all have the ladies at La Bella Figura to thank for this treat.

It begins with Acure Organics Brightening Facial Scrub, which cleanses and exfoliates skin with organic sea kelp and stimulates new cell growth with chlorella growth factor and argan stem cells. I don’t know about you, but I think rubbing sea kelp on your face falls into the more unusual (but super cool) category. Its health benefits are plentiful – tons of mineral-rich vitamins and elements. French Green Clay and Lemon Peel also work to suck the gunk out of your pores. Short story: this exfoliator is not like other exfoliators.  It’s also only $15.

After you finish smoothing and de-gunking, pat a face oil, like omega-rich  La Bella Figura Daily Elements Defense, all over skin. The result is major radiance. I do this at about once a week, and it’s always my best skin day. I like to do it in the morning since LBF’s Daily Elements Defense absorbs so well. I usually go brew a cup of coffee in the Keurig and then go about my makeup business and revel in how I hardly want to wear any because my skin is so glowing.

Daily Elements Defense launches later this month! You can see my earlier review here.  

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