It’s Amazon’s world and we’re just living in it. My Prime membership is money I readily fork over every July – between me and my boyfriend, there’s probably half a dozen Amazon boxes showing up on our door every week. There’s much to be said for the convenience and access to pretty much all things even though it comes with a side of guilt. The bigness of Amazon has implications for the shop small set. You can’t help but feel like you’re sticking it to your fav little boutique every time you get your one-click buy on. But, like everything, it’s about balance, right? While I’m not yet sure how I feel about a physical Amazon bookstore coming to Lakeview, I know I am excited about Amazon joining forces with Chicago institution (for 140+ years!) Merz Apothecary to offer beauty delivery in under two hours with Prime Now. I love Merz but I rarely make it up to Lincoln Square, or even the Palmer House post for that matter.. The option to have it brought to me is something I can get behind.
Merz is on the same page. According to owner Anthony Qaiyum, “… I am especially excited for us to be able to combine our unique products and our expertise in our field with Amazon’s unrivaled delivery operations. I think it is a recipe for customer satisfaction and business growth.”
The service is only available locally, from 10am-6pm Monday-Friday. So, to my 312-ers, next time you feel a cold coming on or just NEED that RMS Lip Shine (hey, it happens), you can get it from Merz, via Prime Now. The epic 20 pages of wellness goodies they have far surpasses any satisfaction I get from the lunchtime stroll through the CVS across the street. Two hour delivery is free or if you really just need it NOW, you can pay $7.99 for delivery in one hour.
A peek at just a few of the many (many, many) things you can have in your hands by the time you finish your morning coffee.
Fancy candles, including cult classic Diptyque Baies. // Chewy ginger candy because your throat hurts and also because these look delicious. // Hypnotic Sleep Aid because even though it’s Monday morning, you spent the weekend at Riot Fest and tonight cannot come soon enough. // Smith + Cult Lip Lacquer, which Fat Mascara raved about on its podcast and you’ve been curious since. // Face wipes, since you just ran out this weekend. // Lipstick that matches your mood for all things fall. // A fleece-covered hot water bottle because there is absolutely nothing better for cold feet and yours sprung a leak last winter. // Snacks! // RMS Living Luminizer because you’re at the office and you just looked in the mirror. // Boroleum ointment, something you just discovered will help your dry nose. Mornings this time of year get rougher and rougher. // Natural insect repellent because Zika. Hey, I got a trip to Miami coming up over the holidays.
I go into Merz all the time and didn’t notice they carried RMS. This is dangerous information…..
I stopped in to Merz last night and Tanya and I had a great chat about you! We complimented each other on our MSD earrings. 🙂
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