Need to Know: ILIA Fade Into You


By Friday, my brain is usually fried. I’m almost always behind on email, too, so if I owe you one — it’s coming! In the spirit of keeping things fresh around here, I’m rolling out a new Friday feature. One that matches my overloaded state of mind (and inbox).  Before we head in to the glorious days called Saturday and Sunday, may I inform you on the one thing you need to know about. Let’s all have a moment over this adorable portable powder from ILIA. It’s brand spanking new and I’m certain I need it in my purse like yesterday. Called ‘Fade Into You’ (the name is even cute), it is more than just your average translucent powder but chock full of oils, minerals and vitamins, like aloe, leaf extract,  passion fruit and rosemary oils. The idea is it doesn’t mask oil or take away your dewy glow but melts, sorry fades, into skin. It is so ILIA chic and looks just like her incredible line of organic lipsticks, which are the best of the rest. Now you know.

P.S. Did you see that DailyCandy is shutting down next week? I’m pretty emo about this as I’ve been a reader for 10 years. The internet is wild.

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