Testing and discovering beauty products is honestly a process I love. Obviously, right? A new facial oil for real beauty sleep, a glittery new Lippmann polish or a matte lip crayon in a bright color – all in a day’s work. You know what isn’t fun? Testing deodorant. Let me specify – testing natural deodorants. The probability that you will smell awful at some point in the experimentation is a high one. Still, I approached this as I would a new concealer, with reckless abandon. I can only read so much more about the link between antiperspirants and cancer to finally look into a more natural option. Plus, I don’t know about you, but my classic tube of Dove wasn’t always 100% up to the job. Eau de stank is not exclusive to natural types.
It’s been a few months of trial and error, and I’m happy to report a favorite has emerged. Soapwalla Deodorant Cream is not only the best natural option I’ve tried but it performs as good, if not better, than your staples from the drugstore. It’s the simplest mix of vegetable powders, clays and essential oils and it works. It’s as if everything is balanced and my body is working as it should. Most of the times it keeps me dry but there were a few warm days where it didn’t. But even in those moments, I passed my sniff test.
Now that I’ve comfortably entered the no-chem deo zone, I’m eager to explore further. What can I say…discovering is all part of the beauty blogger high. I deem it fate that this list of the 10 best natural deodorants just landed in my inbox from Rank & Style. We’ll call it my latest e-newsletter obsession, one that eliminates hours of research from my internet-curious mind and sums it up in list form. From best black leggings and liquid eyeliners to envelope clutches and body oils. It’s like Consumer Reports for fashion and beauty and I can’t get enough. I’m eyeing up this deodorant next. Any thoughts?