Tag Archives: L’Oreal

Low to Luxe: Liquid Eyeliner


I favor the liquids when it comes to eyeliner. Sure, I use pencils and gels, too, but when it comes to my every day makeup, it’s usually liquid liner. It’s easier for me to work with and just a subtle line along the lashes makes my eyes look brighter and wider. Like the eye in the ‘Marc Jacobs’ look above. And on other days the slightly winged ‘Stella McCartney’ — love that! I’ve gotten several requests recently for liquid liner recommendations, so thought it best to share my top picks with everyone low-to-luxe style. You’ll notice a theme, here. These liners all look pretty similar, right? Trust me when I say felt tip “pen” style is the way to go. You don’t have to be an expert to use any of these liners. I promise.


My absolute favorite is NARS Eyeliner Stylo in Carpates, a glossy black. This skinny little tube has hundreds of applications in it and each one of them is budgeproof.

Physician’s Formula makes a ton of different eyeliners and the best, in my opinion, is the  2-in-1 Lash Boosting Eyeliner + Serum. If you like an inky look as I do, make sure to look for the darkest shade possible (Ultra Black). The others don’t have as deep of an intensity. This is a fab budget buy and with regular use, should last about 4-6 weeks.

I’ve been using L’Oreal Lineur Intense for the longest! I really love the felt tip applicator and have great makeup memories with this.

Falling square in the middle of my low-to-luxe spectrum is the Stila Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Eye. I like the black color, yes, but the real perk here is the colors Stila offers. Moss is a favorite of mine as a more interesting option than brown for a more subdued look. And you can really have some fun layering with the Turquoise, Cobalt and White shades.

If you favor high-end beauty, it doesn’t get much better Le Metier de Beaute. And the brand’s Precision Liquid Liner in Noir is all that. The application is foolproof – perhaps the most user-friendly eyeliner pen ever.

To all my liquid liner fans out there, what are you currently using?

Melanoma Monday, But It’s Not What You Think


While I find the name “Melanoma Monday” to be extremely ill-conceived, I think it’s an important day of awareness. But first, let’s not get it twisted with Taco Tuesday, Pizza Friday or any other day connected to something you want. A few weeks ago, I commented to my gym friend (you know the people you see in class each week but don’t really know outside of that room) that she was looking nice and bronzed. I assumed she would tell me she got a spray or used a new lotion, because really, what 30+ year old woman actually goes to a tanning bed, right? Wrong. She said she was “tanning for her wedding” but “just a base.” It took me a minute to process and I felt that I didn’t know her well enough to shame her into never doing it again.  Shame might be a bit harsh, but tanning beds are cancer/wrinkle beds. Why mess with that?

What’s worse, according to a new sun study being released today by L’Oreal, is that American women give themselves a “C” when grading their sun care habits.  Basically, we know we should wear sunscreen, but don’t. What gives? I hear often from my friends and coworkers that it’s “cloudy” or “I’m inside all day” but honestly, the sun is smarter than you think. It reflects off of everything — concrete, snow, windows.  I also think there is a perception that sunscreen formulas are smelly, thick and goopy. Not the case anymore.

While I’m good about wearing SPF every day on my face and neck, even I can do a better job with my body. It’s not just when you’re at the beach or doing outdoor activities. So my Melanoma Monday commitment is to make it a routine to SPF my legs, arms, chest and hands. Don’t forget the hands! Will you join me in making a MM commitment?

Arming myself with a body SPF for all situations:

Kiehl’s Activated Sun Protector / L’Oreal Sublime Sun Sheer Protect Sunscreen Oil / Skinceuticals Sport UV Defense / Aveeno Natural Protection