Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day. We had family in town, which always means lots of good meals. I think I might be starting this summer off with a mini-detox or cleanse. An indulgent few days has me fretting at the thought of shorts and swimsuits. I’m not sure if I feel like going the juice route, but I’m thinking I should eliminate sugar, salt, dairy, caffeine and alcohol for at least a week. Sounds so boring, doesn’t it? What do you think?
Yesterday, in between a carb-filled breakfast (yum!) and our Memorial Day picnic (albeit an indoors one), I stopped by FOX 32 studios to talk skincare. Specifically, tips to consider in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond. The unofficial theme of the segment? SPF! Especially in your 20s. Get it started, guys!