When Do You Feel Beautiful?

312 Beauty LaurieHi, let’s talk about something that’s been on my mind. Specifically, feeling beautiful. Beauty is in this blog name and there’s a whole lot of product talk around here. But beauty is so much more than that. You know it. I know it. This weekend I took over the PrettyQuick Instagram to and we did a fun giveaway which I seriously wanted everyone to win. To enter, I wanted to see what made everyone feel beautiful. There was a hilarious boyfriend shot, some sister time, a fall run and so many others that made me smile. Seeing these pics affirmed that feeling beautiful has little to do with makeup and everything to do with how we feel about ourselves and our interactions with the world and others. I feel most beautiful when I’m confident and challenging myself. Be it finally mastering crow pose in yoga (still working on getting lift for more than a second) or nailing a presentation at work. Hard work can be gritty, sweaty and exhausting but so worth the effort. I wear makeup because I love experimenting and enhancing my features. I take care of my skin because it fuels my confidence and I’m a freak about an anti-aging regimen. But I feel beautiful when I’m strong. The distinction is an important one. What about you? When do you feel beautiful? The PrettyQuick takeover wrapped with the weekend but I still want to talk about this.

P.S. Yes, I chopped off all of my hair!

22 thoughts on “When Do You Feel Beautiful?

  1. Katharine

    I absolutely LOVE this post and I agree with Jess ^^. I feel beautiful when I wake up in the morning on a sunny day and –getting a little personal– Dan leans over and kisses me on the forehead when he brings me my coffee. I also love getting dolled up for cocktail parties in a new dress!

  2. Justine

    What a BEAUTIFUL post, Laurie. I loved following your weekend takeover on PrettyQuick and hearing about what makes you feel beautiful. I’d have to say my friends and family make me feel beautiful. Spending quality time, making each other laugh, and creating lifetime memories really is special.

  3. Katie

    What a fantastic post, Laurie! I feel most beautiful when I’ve created something beautiful and that I’m proud of. It could be a painting or a flower arrangement or just figuring something out that was causing me a lot of difficulty. When this happens I always feel more confident and that always puts a big smile on my face and causes me to walk taller. And all of that makes me feel beautiful! 🙂
    Katie recently posted…Ginger BeerMy Profile

  4. kristen @ glambunctious

    You look so beautiful in this picture – radiant and full of joy! I love your new hair.
    What makes me feel beautiful is when my husband sees me without makeup on, hair a massive mess of bad on top of my head, wearing a metric ton of stretchy knitwear, and wraps me up in his arm and tells me how beautiful I am. It still makes me feel sparkly inside, almost 6 years since we started dating. 🙂
    kristen @ glambunctious recently posted…TAG! | The Autumn TagMy Profile

  5. Sarita Coren

    This is such a wonderful topic, Laurie. In raising 5 kids as a holistic parent, I pay close attention to emphasis and word choices. I try not to overdo it on the comments about looks and play up traits like effort, kindness, determination, persistence, diligence, teamwork, sharing, consideration, etc. I feel that it’s so important to balance the way we notice people, not only for their appearance but also for what lies beyond it. After all, when you love someone, their looks fade into the background. What replaces it is something else – a love of their being-ness (if that makes sense, though spellcheck doesn’t like it!). The other aspect is that when we ask what “makes” us feel beautiful, it seems to be contingent on something outside of ourselves. When my kids say that someone made them cry, I remember reading in a parenting book that they are giving up their own power. No one can actually “make” them cry. So too, not one thing can “make” us feel beautiful. It is a true life challenge for me to feel inherent beauty – that which is not dependent on any one person or thing, but rather a knowing that I already am that beauty. One day, soon, I’m going to get there! XO (Sorry for long comment…such a great topic!)

    1. Laurie, 312 Beauty Post author

      Sarita, that was such a thoughtful comment. Thank you for taking the time to write it out. Your children are lucky to have a positive and supportive mom! This does make sense to me and I am working on focusing on me and not letting outside influences impact my being. Easier said than done but important for us all to focus on our self.

  6. Anna

    I love this post, and this topic in general. I really feel the most beautiful when I’m taking care if myself, ie after a run, a great yoga practice or eating really well for a few days. I think you really get out what you put in. Also, I love that there are so many different responses to that question!
    Anna recently posted…101 in 1001My Profile

  7. Kimmy

    I feel beautiful for different reasons. Sometimes it’s when my makeup is on point and my outfit matches that feeling, other times it’s just being around people I know love me, and as you pointed out, sometimes it’s because of an accomplishment that has nothing to do with “beauty”. 🙂
    Kimmy recently posted…Birthday Haul 2014 Part One: Chanel MakeupMy Profile

  8. Caitlin

    Such a GREAT post, Laurie! Makeup is just a tool we use to feel a bit more confident, but there’s no beauty product that makes me feel more beautiful or proud of myself when I accomplish something I’ve aimed for. Whether it’s a project at work or a super long walk with Lucy – those are the things that take happiness & pride to the next level!
    Caitlin recently posted…That’s Mass A-Peel…My Profile

  9. Kaitie

    First off, you hair! It is amazing! Love the topic of this post. I think that I feel the most beautiful when I treat my body right- juicing, eating lots of fruit and veggies. When you feel good physically you can’t help but feel good emotionally- or at least for me that is! I have also been getting more comfortable in my own skin- bare faced. Even now, going out with no makeup on, I still feel just as beautiful then when I play with fun lip colors etc.


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